The most dangerous worldview is the worldview of those who have not viewed the world. Alexander von Humboldt In 2016, I made the bold decision to quit my well-paying job in Switzerland, sell my belongings, and embark on an adventure that would change my life forever. Over 2.5 years, I traveled solo to 34 […]
Author: Dominik
How to Choose the Right Dual Sport Motorcycle Tires?

Motorcycle tires represent a complex realm in the world of riding. With myriad opinions, brands, riding styles, and varied conditions like terrain preferences and luggage weight to consider, choosing the ideal dual sport tire becomes a daunting task. During my extensive overlanding journey across the Americas on my BMW 700 GS, spanning 69,300 kilometers over […]
Top 10 Motorcycle Dream Roads of South America

South America is a paradise for motorcycle enthusiasts, offering some of the most awe-inspiring and challenging roads on the planet. From rugged mountains to expansive deserts and lush jungles, here’s an extensive guide to my top 10 dream roads across this diverse continent.
How to buy a Motorcycle in Brazil – Overlanding South America

I am writing this article for “gringos” (foreigners) who are seriously interested to buy a motorbike in Brazil with the intention to travel South America. Two songs are popping up into my mind when thinking back about my experience: “Think Twice” from Celine Dion and even more… “Welcome to the Jungle” from Guns n Roses.
Joe Pichler. Interview about his Motorcycle Adventures in South America

Joe Pichler was born 1960 in Lungau, Austria and is traveling the world by motorcycle together with his wife Renate since 1984. In 1990, Joe overlanded South America for the first time where the rainy season in the Amazon almost lead to cancel his adventure. In 2002, Joe fulfilled his dream, quit his regular job […]
Top 10 Rules for Traveling Safe in the Americas

I still remember the first reaction of my family and friends when I mentioned my plan to travel the Americas solo on a motorcycle. “OMG, are you crazy? Those countries are so dangerous, don’t do it…!”