It was not snowing anymore… I was lucky… instead it was a bit over 0°C, it was raining and windy. Great alternative, lol…
I was happy to make progress again and was looking forward to my next planned destination: Buenos Aires 🙂 3112 km in 4 days, that was the plan at least…
The weather conditions were really bad and once again Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego were showing its rough nature. Funnily, when thinking back (writing this article with a 2 month delay) I am sort of missing the experience.
It was tough, yes. But when do you feel more alive in this world than in situations like this.
I crossed again 2 borders this day and was lucky that the frontier control was in a rather positive mood.
Filling up petrol wherever possible, I reached the ferry which brought me back again on mainland to my way to Argentina and Rio Gallegos which was ultimately the final destination of that day.
I could have been doing some more kilometres in fact but the next town was another 1 or 1,5 hours away and I did not want to risk my luck.
Rio de Gallegos was not in particular a very nice town and I simply enjoyed to rest in the room and to watch a movie.